Ready to rock? Here’s your roadmap

Join the groove with MusicPowered.
Just hop on board by signing up for a MusicPowered account. Fill in your deets, hit submit, and voila! You’ll find yourself in your own slick admin hub in no time.

Amp up your vibe.
Dive into your admin playground and let your creativity flow. Customize your site with all things “you” – from bio blurbs to gig dates, make it yours.

Let’s talk cash, baby.
To get those sweet sounds rolling in, snag yourself a Stripe account. Once you’re all set there, hook it up in the Payments section of MusicPowered. Easy peasy.

Show off your swag.
Got merch? Flaunt it! Head over to your admin hub and showcase your goodies. From tees to CDs, get ’em ready to rock on your MusicPowered stage.

Time to jam.
Hit play on the money train – orders are coming in! Pack those boxes, crank up the tunes, and watch those dollar signs dance in. Let’s get this show on the road! πŸŽΈπŸ’°